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Women and Girls in Latin America and the Caribbean

Historically, the rights of women and girls have been violated due to discriminatory and excluding patriarchal structures that pervade women and girls’ political, economic, and social reality. States in the region currently face challenges related to their responsibility of prevention, protection, investigation, and response to violations of women’s human rights. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) seeks to prioritize, in the framework of its Strategic Plan, and in conjunction with the Office of the Rapporteur on the Rights of Women and the Office of the Rapporteur on the Rights of the Child, the main obstacles that continue to hinder women from fully exercising their rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.   


Thus, from 2017 to this year, the project described below has sought to undertake special monitoring of: groups subject to protection; follow-up on recommendations, the case and petition system, thematic reports, and promotion and training activities, thereby, contributing to ensure and protect the free and full exercise of women and girls’ fundamental rights in the Americas.


La situación de los derechos de mujeres, niñas y adolescentes en el Sistema Intermericano de Derechos Humanos

The Rights of Women and Girls in the Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS)



Presently, States have expressed the need for assistance, examples, and guidelines to facilitate the implementation of recommendations and incorporate standards into domestic law regarding the rights of women and girls. Such a need has led to the creation of this project, which seeks to address the challenges several States in Latin America and the Caribbean face in fulfilling their obligations to prevent, protect, investigate, and act with due diligence to eradicate historic and structural discrimination, inequality, and violence against women in the Americas.


Implementation of the project has yielded a host of results, with a total of: XX Precautionary Measures, XX Reports on Admissibility, XX Report on the Merits, 6 Working Visits, 3 Trainings, and 23 Promotion Activities.




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